Joining Rails: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Web Applications with Ruby on Rails


Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It makes it easy to develop and maintain web applications by providing a set of conventions and ready-made solutions. Joining Rails is a beginner’s guide to Ruby on Rails that will help you get started with building your own web applications.

Getting Started

To start using Ruby on Rails, you need to install it on your system. Rails is available on a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Once you have Rails installed, you can start creating a new web application by running the command:

“`rails new myapp“`

This will generate a skeleton Rails application in the directory `myapp`. You can then run the application by navigating to the `myapp` directory and running:

“`rails server“`

This will start the Rails development server and you can visit your application by going to `http://localhost:3000` in your web browser.

Models, Views, and Controllers

Ruby on Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. In Rails, models represent the data and business logic of the application, views are the user interface, and controllers are the glue that connects the models and views.

Creating a new model in Rails is easy. You can create a new model using the `rails generate model` command, followed by the name of the model and the attributes it should have. For example, to create a model for a blog post with a title and body, you would run:

“`rails generate model Post title:string body:text“`

This will generate a new model file in the `app/models` directory, with the name `post.rb`. You can then create a new migration for the model by running:

“`rails generate migration CreatePosts“`

This will generate a database migration file in the `db/migrate` directory that creates a new table for the `Post` model.

You can create views for your application by creating new HTML templates in the `app/views` directory. For example, to create a view for a blog post, you could create a new file called `app/views/posts/show.html.erb`.

Controllers are responsible for handling requests and rendering views. You can create a new controller using the `rails generate controller` command followed by the name of the controller and any actions it should have. For example, to create a controller for blog posts, you could run:

“`rails generate controller Posts index show“`

This would generate a new controller file in the `app/controllers` directory, with the name `posts_controller.rb`. It would also generate views for the `index` and `show` actions in the `app/views/posts` directory.


In Ruby on Rails, routing maps incoming requests to the appropriate controller action. You can define routes in the `config/routes.rb` file. For example, to map requests for the root URL to the `index` action of the `PostsController`, you would add the following line to `config/routes.rb`:

“`root ‘posts#index’“`

You can also define custom routes that map to controller actions. For example, to create a route that maps requests for `/posts/1` to the `show` action of the `PostsController` for the post with ID 1, you could add the following line to `config/routes.rb`:

“`get ‘/posts/:id’, to: ‘posts#show’“`

Adding Functionality to Your Application

Ruby on Rails provides a wide range of functionality that you can use to add features to your application. For example, Rails includes built-in support for authentication, file uploads, and caching.

To add authentication to your application, you can use the popular Devise gem. To add file uploading, you can use the CarrierWave gem. To add caching, you can use Rails’ built-in caching functionality or the popular Dalli gem.


Ruby on Rails is a powerful framework that makes it easy to build web applications. This article has provided an introduction to the core concepts of Rails, including models, views, controllers, routing, and adding functionality. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can get up and running with Rails and start building your own web applications.

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